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You can also buy it from Space Cowboy Books
Eleven super short poems are accompanied by the illustrations of North Carolina based visual artist Gowri Savoor, creator of Tiny Hero Tales.
Poems, art, and facts come together in this zine-sized book. With continued discovery of new exoplanets, news of lunar landers, and dreams of Martian terraforming, now is the perfect time to dwell on the fine details of our solar system.
Micropoetry for Microplanets is Brian U. Garrison's second chapbook. The material is suitable for middle-schoolers as they learn about the solar system. Perspectives and layers in the poetry also provide depth for adult readers to ponder.
Micropoetry for Microplanets is published by Space Cowboy Books.
Bryan Thao Worra says:
Brief microepics
Unusual motes invite
Gems, unique bright verse
$12 each, includes shipping within U.S.
A collection of 50 speculative poems. Enter worlds where wishes are purchased at strawberry stands, robots save us from monsters under the bed, and fireflies are mightier than Orion. Selections include new work and poems from Asimov's Science Fiction, Drunk Monkeys, Eye to the Telescope, Flurb, Star*Line, and other magazines.
Here's what people are saying:
[New Yesterdays, New Tomorrows] takes on weighty issues and showcases a wide-ranging perspective on the world, on society, on nature, on what makes us human... Quite a balancing act.
Vince Gotera, Editor of Star*Line
Brian Garrison has a remarkable gift for knocking out short poems that rebound from SF themes to bounce around inside your head for quite some time, in the manner of true literature. These kinds of poems look easy, but they're not, no more than is calligraphy.
Rudy Rucker, Cyberpunk
Fully engaging... love the sublime combination of wry observation and wit.
John Reinhart, Poet & Arsonist

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Here's what people are saying:
[New Yesterdays, New Tomorrows] takes on weighty issues and showcases a wide-ranging perspective on the world, on society, on nature, on what makes us human... Quite a balancing act.
Vince Gotera, Editor of Star*Line
Brian Garrison has a remarkable gift for knocking out short poems that rebound from SF themes to bounce around inside your head for quite some time, in the manner of true literature. These kinds of poems look easy, but they're not, no more than is calligraphy.
Rudy Rucker, Cyberpunk
Fully engaging... love the sublime combination of wry observation and wit.
John Reinhart, Poet & Arsonist

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